Saturday, February 26, 2011

Room 10 farewells our Principal

Blogging Challenge!

Room 10 has joined edublog's 'Get Blogging' class challenge. We will learn to be effective bloggers which will help us become effective writers.

Many of the skills great bloggers have are the same skills great writers have. For example, using writers tricks such as a catchy heading and breaking writing into paragraphs help our audience engage with our writing more easily.

We will also be able to connect with other blogging classes around the world! Follow these links to find out more about our blogging challenges.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thanks Year 9s!

On Wednesday we had several Year 9 students from Aotea College visiting Paremata School who were kind enough to come and help Room 10 with their collage art. Thanks! Your visit was well appreciated by the class. Come in and visit our completed art work in Room 10 next week. We will also post the pictures here once they are finished.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Collage Self Portraits

This week we started making self portraits using torn paper. We chose a colour we liked for the background and ripped up pictures from magazines in that colour. We also used ribbons, flowers and cellophane. Today we started gluing them on our card to make the background. They are starting to look wonderful.

Sunny the Wonderful Flying Bird

Today Sunny flew around the room for the first time this year. We opened the cage slowly. She mucked around in the cage deciding if she wanted to come out. She used her beak as a hook to help her climb.
Sunny flew out of her cage. She flew onto Ms Rogers' head. She bit at Ms Rogers hair and also did a poo. Quinn tidied it up.

She flew from window to window. She bit the cardboard and tapped at the window. She climbed onto the top of her cage and was moving her bell. Sunny was feeling happier than she had felt since last time she got out of her cage. Chantelle felt excited when Ms Rogers said Sunny was coming out and scared when she came out of her cage and was flying everywhere. She was flying really quickly.

Then Ms Rogers gave Sunny 2 more minutes out of her cage and it was time to go back in. Ryan, Benji and some of the others wondered whether if we hold food in our hand it might encourage her to get back into the cage. Finally, after lots of chasing, Ms Rogers finally caught her and popped her back in her cage.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Fruit Bats

When I was in Sydney over the New Year I visited the Botanical Gardens. I was quite surprised at how many bats were in the trees there. I remembered that Quinn really loves bats so took a video for him. I was trying to catch them flying, which was so hard to do with an ipod touch!

I found out this week that lots of other children in the class are interested in bats as well. Hayden said he'd seen them in trees in Queensland. Alex is so interested that he borrowed a story book about bats for the weekend from our class library.

Below is a link to the Sydney Botanic Gardens with lots of information about the bats that live there. They are also called flying foxes. I have added my rather shaky video showing lots of little dots in the trees. Those dots are all bats hanging upside down!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thursday Week 2

What a busy week we have had! Our class goal is to get our 'It's all about Us!' booklets completed and our holiday artwork on the walls by the end of school tomorrow. Room 10 have been showing me what amazing students they are and how cooperatively they can work together.
Today everyone was working hard to write a story all about an animal they know really well. We did our 'stand up, hands up, pair up' routine to get our ideas flowing about what kind of animal it was, what it's name is, what it likes to do and what it looks like. Then we brainstormed on paper before writing our stories.  I was absolutely stunned that students so young could write so well. Fantastic efforts by everyone!

Soon some of those stories will appear here or on our podcast blog. It's the same one Room 10 used last year to win first prize in a national school website competition.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Celebrating diversity with Ferdinand the Bull.

 Our second value for Term One at Paremata School is diversity. Today we watched Ferdinand the Bull, a 1938 Disney movie about a little bull who is different from the others. He is quite happy just the way he is. Room 10 thought about people they know who are different from themselves, and people who are similar. Sometimes one person can be both things! Check out our 'It's all about Us!'booklets if you'd like to see our diversity pictures.

Friday, February 4, 2011

End of Week One!

What a great week!
I have been really impressed at all the positive attitudes and excellent learning that has been shown by these students.
We've nearly all finished our artwork and are working hard on our inquiry booklets called "It's all about US".
Next week we'll start working in small groups for some of the time during literacy and maths. Also next week Sunny the class budgie will return to Room 10 and meet all the students.
Have a great weekend, Room 10 people, and I'll see you on Monday.
Ms Rogers.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Welcome to Room 10's Blog!

Welcome to Room 10 Paremata School.

We are a class of 24 year 3 & 4 students. Our teacher is Ms Rogers. We are looking forward to sharing our learning with you here.

Ms Rogers

Day One!

What a great day we had!
We started with meeting and greeting each other using a fantastic game called 'Stand up, Hands up, Pair up'. This helped us get to know each other a bit. We tossed a hackey sack around to each other as well, remembering to make eye contact and call the catcher's name. This was to help us remember each other's names as we come from many different classes.
After that walked around the school to see where everything was and had a little play on the big fort. "Yay!" said the Year 3 children, as this was their first time being able to play there in school time.
Back in the classroom we moved into a donut shape to talk about our holidays. We remembered to listen well, to speak clearly and to thank our new friends for sharing their stories. After morning tea we began reading 'Charlotte's Web' so there may be a few children going home and asking for a pet pig please.
We spent the rest of the day making our pastel and dye holiday pictures and beginning our 'It's all about us' booklets. Everyone showed what great learners they are during our discussions and independent times.
One thing that is new this year is that we are using a bokashi composting system in Room 10 rather than our traditional worm bins. I'm curious to know how that goes.
All in all it was an absolutely lovely first day and I am really looking forward to tomorrow.
Ms Rogers