We have completed our "It's all about us!"inquiry unit that focussed on getting to know ourselves as learners and looked at how we can work well as a class. We will use these ideas for the rest of the year. We have a movie about 8 different intelligences to complete and possibly some booklet pages. The main ideas were:
- There are many ways to be smart
- There are many thinking tools we can use to help us learn
- We all strive to do our very best
- We are a community of caring, thinking learners
- We follow the school values and respect guidelines
- We are all different but have many things in common
- We regularly set SMART goals and do our very best to achieve them
We have also added to our 'About Us' and 'Whanau & Friends' pages. You can reach these by clicking the tab at the top of this blog page. What a great start to the year!